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Creatify moderation policy

At Creatify, we're dedicated to creating a community that values creativity, trust, and mutual respect above all. Our Moderation Policy reflects this dedication, governing your access and use of our Services to ensure they are utilized in a manner that is safe, and respectful and promotes inclusivity. We've designed our AI product with the goal of nurturing a positive environment, and we enforce a strict zero-tolerance policy against any creation, distribution, or promotion of content that could be deemed inappropriate. This includes but is not limited to, content that is offensive, explicit, discriminatory, or infringes upon copyright laws. Any attempt to bypass or infringe upon this policy is unacceptable and may lead to content removal, suspension, or even termination of service access as we strive to maintain a safe and welcoming space for all users.

Content Guidelines

All video content created or shared within our Services must adhere to our content guidelines, ensuring respect for individual rights and legal use.

Prohibited Content
The following types of content are strictly forbidden within our platform, under any circumstances:

  • Any form of child exploitation;

  • Pornography or explicit sexual material;

  • Any depiction or endorsement of violence against people or animals;

  • Hate speech, discrimination, or any content that incites harassment or threats based on race, religion, gender identity, age, nationality, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic;

  • Promotion of illegal or unlawful activities, including drugs, hacking, or other criminal acts;

  • Spreading misinformation, disinformation, or supporting conspiracy theories;

  • Sharing private or confidential information without consent;

  • Unauthorized legal, medical, or financial advice;

  • Political campaigning or direct lobbying;

  • Fraudulent, deceptive practices, including scams, spam, or intellectual property violations;

  • Any other content Creatify deems inappropriate or contrary to our values.

Moderation Process

Automated Screening
We deploy advanced automated tools that utilize machine learning to identify and flag potential violations within our platform.

User Reporting
If you encounter content that violates our guidelines, please contact us at [email protected] with the content details, your concerns, and your contact information for follow-up.

Manual Review
Content flagged by our systems or reported by users undergoes further assessment by our human moderation team.

Depending on the severity of the violation, Creatify reserves the right to take appropriate actions, including content removal, user notification, suspension of service access, legal reporting, or other measures deemed necessary.

Appeal Process
Users may contest moderation decisions by emailing [email protected] with a detailed explanation of the content in question and the basis for the appeal. While we review all appeals, submission does not guarantee a response. Appeals aim to be impartial and are reviewed by moderators not involved in the initial decision.

Policy Updates

Creatify periodically reviews and updates these guidelines to reflect new technologies, societal norms, legal standards, and user feedback. Changes are effective immediately upon posting. We make efforts to communicate significant changes directly to our users. We encourage regular review of this policy for the latest information on our content guidelines.


Your input on our moderation policy and processes is invaluable. Please share your feedback or suggestions with us at [email protected].