Top tips why email and video content are a powerful marketing duo

Top tips why email and video content are a powerful marketing duo

Top tips why email and video content are a powerful marketing duo

Jun 3, 2024

Top tips why email and social media are a powerful video marketing duo
Top tips why email and social media are a powerful video marketing duo
Top tips why email and social media are a powerful video marketing duo
Top tips why email and social media are a powerful video marketing duo

In organizing their video marketing tactics, businesses would be wise not to forget one of the internet's marketing pioneers: email. In this blog, you'll learn why using video with email capitalizes on email's incredible ROI, leverages its broad integrative capabilities and personalization possibilities, and why the two pair perfectly together for businesses looking to engage audiences effectively.

Here's why:

Your product videos can reach a highly targeted audience

When you publish video on social media, there's no guarantee that it will be seen by your target market, particularly organic posts. The algorithms ultimately determine where your video is placed and there's every chance that it won't be seen by most of your followers; in fact, findings by Ignite¹ reported that as low as 1% of organic posts are shown to a business' Facebook followers, e.g., if you've got a page with 2500 followers, your video might be shown to as few as 25 people. That being said, something like an Instagram reel has the potential to reach new audiences that you can siphon into the start of your funnel.

Instead of writing an email with copy alone, include an informative video that describes your product or service to an email list that you have built yourself, i.e., red hot leads. While social media is great for reach, putting a video in the email gives you an increased opportunity to educate an interested consumer. Find with with social, talk to them personally with email.

You can personalize your email to recipients better with video

When you post content to social media, you're speaking to a large audience. If you're savvy, you've narrowed your audience down to a handful of personas, allowing you to communicate personally with even smaller groups of people.

With email video and AI buttressing your efforts, you can literally speak to individuals and create personalized videos at scale. Imagine opening a weekly email video and hearing an AI avatar deliver news to you personally! One AI tool - Creatify - gives its users the ability to produce such videos at scale with AI writing scripts and hundreds of AI avatars to represent your audiences. Here's a guide on how you can make AI avatars! Such personalization is likely to increase engagement and conversion rates.

You can nurture leads and control the customer journey with targeted video

Email's an excellent channel for channeling leads and managing their journey through your sales funnel. Why? Because you can segment your audience, send them targeted content, and guide them through your funnel.

Note: adopting email doesn't mean you need to drop the use of video in favor of traditional copy. Copy, while effective, performs far better when paired with video. Reduce your text and allow your video to do most of the talking.

For example, one prospect may have only just signed up to your email list, while another may have received a number of newsletters from you. The former would do well to receive an introductory video, thanking them for their subscription and welcoming them to your list, while the latter could be ready to receive a promotional video from you in an effort to pull the warm prospect further down your funnel - in both cases, using personalized video generated with AI tools.

Emails have better CTRs than social media and 3600% ROI², so put your best videos in your emails

While social media undoubtedly champions potential for reach and virality, email's CTRs and massive ROI means it's a powerhouse for targeted video marketing; in fact, a study³ by Campaign Monitor reports that video increases open rates by 19% and click-through rate by 65%! The ability to optimize email campaigns, supported by both the analytical and production AI tools, means that you learn what's working quicker, and you produce improved, targeted iterations quicker. You'll be able to understand exactly how individuals are responding to your personalized videos, rather than more generalized social media segments. The result: ever-improving videos with better click-through rates and higher conversions.

It's perfect for multi-channel integration

What's better than running social media or email? Running both, and email's compatibility with almost every social media means that integration is a breeze. Setting up an omnichannel experience and sales funnel that channels customers from broad video content on social media to personalized video on email is a powerful recipe for increasing conversions.

For example, create an informative product video ad on Instagram supported with additional story content, one of which includes a link sticker to an email list sign up. Once signed up, your automated AI tools will send out another email addressing the person by their first name and welcoming them to your email list, delivered personally with video.

The result is a customer that stays engaged along their journey, and one that's likely to respond favorably to future, personalized video communications.

Top tips why email and video content are a powerful marketing duo


Email is still touted as one of the most effective marketing channels; while it doesn't boast the broadest reach, it's high click-through rates make it clear that you should be sending targeted video content to your email list, whether it's to educate or upsell. If all social media platforms were ever to shutdown and you had no email list, you'd be dead in the water. Start incorporating video into your email marketing and use AI to scale your efforts and produce compelling video content that your audience will resonate with.

¹ Ignite survey -

² Statista ROI survey -

³Campaign Monitor CTR stats -

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