Create High-performing Controversial Ads Using AI

Create High-performing Controversial Ads Using AI

Create High-performing Controversial Ads Using AI

Jul 26, 2024

Create High-performing Controversial Ads Using AI
Create High-performing Controversial Ads Using AI
Create High-performing Controversial Ads Using AI
Create High-performing Controversial Ads Using AI

What is a Controversial Ad?

Controversial Ad is something that sparks debate due to its content or message. They are usually based on sensitive topics such as religious, political, social, or cultural issues. These ads sometimes challenge prevailing social norms as well. Such Ads provoke strong reactions from the audience that can lead to debates.

Types of Controversial Ads

In the ever-evolving space of advertisement, controversy is a powerful tool that creates a unique identity. There are various forms of controversial ads, some that question inclusivity issues and challenge societal norms; and political and religious matters. Below mentioned are different types of controversial ads,

  • Political
    Ads that take a stand on political issues or certain movements are included in this. These ads criticize political leaders, policies, or social movements. It can lead to the creation of strong opinions among the public, hence creating a controversy.

  • Social
    Controversial Ads addressing issues that affect the social environment fall into this category. These ads provoke thought and encourage discussions about important societal matters. Some sub-categories included in this.

  • Animal Rights
    Advertisements promoting a vegan lifestyle or standing up against animal cruelty come under this category of controversial ads.

  • Promoting Body Positivity and Challenging Beauty Standards
    Ads that challenge the standard beauty norms by featuring diverse body types, skin tones, and gender identities fall under this category. These ads promote body positivity and spark debate along with discussions about self-image and inclusivity.

  • Consumerism Critique
    Controversial Ads that criticize excessive consumerism and promote minimalism are included in this category. Ads under this category usually challenge the traditional form of advertising which usually aims at excessive purchasing of products.

  • Cultural and Religious
    Sometimes certain Ads can use elements from other cultures without proper context. There is also a risk of disrespecting their beliefs. Such ads give rise to questions about authenticity and representation, hence be controversial.

What is the use of Controversial Ads in Different Industries?

Controversial Ads aim at generating buzz, attracting attention, and making an impact. These ads help drive more engagement if done correctly. The use of such ads often sparks conversations, open discussions, and debates which help the brand in the picture stand out from the crowd. There are various uses of controversial Ads in different industries.

Controversial Fashion Ads:

Controversial ads in the fashion industry can help certain brands differentiate themselves from the rest. There are several more benefits of using controversial ads in the fashion industry.

  • Challenging Beauty Standards
    In the fashion industry, controversial ads play an important role and help challenge the existing beauty standards that shame certain body types. These ads can help bring more body positivity and inclusivity. Challenging the standard beauty standard makes people who are often neglected by most brands feel more confident.

  • Make It Trend
    Controversial advertising can help create more buzz about your brand. It leads to more media coverage as well as social media discussions and debates. All this equates to more visibility and attracts attention in an otherwise densely populated market space.

  • Highlight Social Issues
    Controversial ads can be used to highlight certain social issues as well. This includes gender equality, sustainability, and mental health. Using the medium of controversial ads to highlight social issues helps enhance the brand’s reputation.

Controversial Makeup Ads:

Controversial Ads can be used positively in the makeup industry to promote inclusivity and uniqueness.

  • Breaking Beauty Norms
    Controversial ads in the beauty industry can help break beauty norms and promote gender equality, featuring diverse skin tones and gender identities. These ads resonate well with consumers who are often neglected.

  • Enhancing Customer Loyalty
    Trying to make a difference in a stagnant marketplace by speaking about the right issues is a good strategy. It works in the favour of brands as this helps bring loyal customers. Consumers appreciate brands that stand for their beliefs.

  • Influencing Trends
    Controversial Ads help push the boundaries and introduce new makeup products and beauty trends. These ads influence how the beauty industry is perceived and consumed.

Controversial Ads in The Media Industry:

Controversial Ads in the Media Industry enhance visibility and create more impact. Following are some of the positive features of a controversial ad in the media industry.

  • Wider Reach
    The exposure that comes with controversy can be used to reach a broader audience. They help create more buzz and ensure that the ad stands out, hence increasing the visibility.

  • Promoting Engagement
    Controversial Ads are designed to spark conversations. Open Discussions and Debates lead to an increase in social media shares and interaction which encourages growth in organic reach.

  • Brand Positioning
    Controversial Ads help position a brand and align with a target audience. This aids in strengthening the brand’s identity.

Controversial Ads and Why It Worked

  1. Gillette’s “The Best Men Can Be”

    • Controversy:
      This Ad challenged toxic masculinity and promoted positive male behaviour. The controversy was because certain people thought it was attacking all males.

    • Why it worked:
      It received positive feedback from people who appreciated this message. Despite the controversy, it managed to promote respected behaviour. It was also successful in creating online buzz and garnered millions of views. This also helped Gillette be known as a brand that helps bring change.

  2. United Colors of Benetton

    • Controversy:
      Benetton’s digitally generated campaign portrayed world leaders kissing each other. This ad was very controversial as it received a lot of backlash as well.

    • Why it worked:
      The ad sparked a lot of debates and was widespread on social media but this controversial ad positioned Benetton as a courageous brand. In addition, Benetton garnered young adults who are more socially accepting of alternate lifestyles as loyal customers.

  3. Dove’s “Real Beauty”

    • Controversy:
      This campaign by Dove focused on inclusive representation of everyday women instead of models. It was controversial because it challenged the traditional beauty standards.

    • Why it worked:
      Dove celebrated all women irrespective of their physical appearance. This campaign ad showcased women having different sizes, shapes, and skin tones. It boosted the self-esteem of a large majority of women from various walks of life. Hence, promoting Dove as an inclusive brand.

  4. Snicker’s “You’re Not You When You’re Hungry”

    • Controversy:
      Snickers ran a bunch of ads featuring various celebrities in adverse situations behaving out of character due to hunger. Many found this ad to be stereotypical.

    • Why it worked:
      Despite the controversy, Snickers successfully conveyed a message of satisfying hunger. People associated the hunger-induced mood swings with this tagline of Snickers. This helped Snickers gain more popularity.

  5. Burger King’s Moldy Whopper

    • Controversy:
      The above ad by Burger King showed a time-lapse of a Burger King Whopper decaying. This ad was created to prove that their burgers do not contain preservatives.

    • Why it worked:
      This campaign from Burger King also managed to spark some controversy. A certain group of people found this ad showcasing a decayed burger unappetizing. However, Burger King successfully put across the message that it cares about its customers’ health which helped them get more customers.

  6. Kendal Jenner Pepsi Ad

    • Controversy:
      Pepsi Ad featuring Kendal Jenner was quite controversial as it displayed her joining a protest and later offering a Pepsi to a police officer, which solved everything. This ad received backlash for trivializing social justice movements such as ‘Black Lives Matter’.

    • Why it worked:
      This Ad was later retracted by Pepsi because of its controversial nature. However, it managed to generate buzz and discussion about the exploitation of social issues for commercial gains. This ad prompted brands to be more mindful and sensitive to similar topics.

  7. Shock Value Ads by Anti-Smoking Campaigns

    • Controversy:
      There are several anti-smoking campaigns around the world run by a number of associations. It uses shock tactics like graphic images of affected organs or stories shared by people suffering because of this habit. This controversial ad isn’t brand-specific.

    • Why it worked:
      Such ads are subject to criticism because of graphic images which are often very disturbing. But they effectively convey the health risks that come with the smoking habit. These types of controversial ads successfully impact, leave a memorable impression, and lead to more awareness.

Impact of Controversial Ads

When it comes to advertising, controversial ads act as a double-edged sword and, when done correctly can help bring positive outcomes.

  • Attention-grabbing
    Controversial ads help stand out in the marketplace. These ads often help spark discussions and debates which help garner more visibility for the brand. It attracts more attention from media and consumers which leads to more brand awareness.

  • Memorable
    Controversial Ads can have a long-lasting effect because they are remembered by people even after years. They become memorable because of their unique and attention-grabbing nature, which in turn helps the consumers recollect the brand.

  • Engagement
    These Ads can stimulate discussions; and debates and have the ability to become the talk of the town. This helps in elevating customer engagement. Controversial ads usually act as a conversation starter.

Positive impacts from controversial ads can help build a brand. However, controversial ads when not executed correctly, can negatively impact a brand’s image. Consumers might lose trust in a brand. Backlash, boycotts, and legal issues are just some of the negative impacts that can happen if the controversial ads don’t turn out well.

Advertising Strategies

Advertising Strategies that include Controversial Advertisements can be very effective only when well executed. Here are some tips that can help create a good controversial ad.

  • How To Make Your Controversial Ads
    The first step while creating a controversial ad is to think about the topic that you wish to address. Taking a stand on an important issue can help attract an audience that values authenticity. One can also make use of humor or satire to convey their message. After this, it is essential to narrow down the target audience you want to reach. Creating buzz about your advertisement is important after the above two steps. One can also take the help of collaborations for this. Transparent messaging along with open debates and discussions helps bring together an interactive audience. But, it is also necessary to track the impact and response of your controversial ad.

  • How Can AI Help You Make Controversial Ads That Sell?
    AI can help create controversial ads using the data, content, or message provided by you. These Ads can also provoke strong reactions, debates, and discussions similar to human-created controversial ads. Artificial Intelligence can also generate ads that address political, social, or religious issues without requiring the same level of energy invested as human-created ads.

  • Creatify AI Video Generator
    The most efficient way to generate controversial video ads is to use AI-powered software like You can use the AI script writer to generate video scripts, or write it yourself and upload it to Creatify AI. Take full advantage of the digital avatar feature and use them as your actor in videos, use our AI voice actor to add natural-sounding voices. You can either produce one video at a time, or create videos in bulk.


A controversial ad is a useful tool when it comes to marketing and capturing attention. By addressing provocative topics, these ads usually generate more visibility and engagement for the brand. However, certain risks come with it, which include potential backfires and alienation of certain audiences. Controversial ads usually ride on the fine line between being courageous and being offensive. Hence, it is important to strike a balance, aligning with the brand’s core values and being careful about not offending anyone.

Here are the video links for each ad example:





Burger King

Kendall Jenner Pepsi Ad


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