4 secrets to get your marketing videos bookmarked

4 secrets to get your marketing videos bookmarked

4 secrets to get your marketing videos bookmarked

Jun 10, 2024

4 secrets to get your marketing videos bookmarked
4 secrets to get your marketing videos bookmarked
4 secrets to get your marketing videos bookmarked
4 secrets to get your marketing videos bookmarked

One of the most important actions a viewer can take when consuming your videos is to bookmark it. It lets the social media algorithms know that people find your content valuable, and if people bookmark it, your videos will be shown to more people; one can assume, as far as what actions are most valuable, that a save trumps a like, if not for the simple fact that it signals to the algorithm that the content will be viewed again.

So how can you ensure a viewer doesn't scroll away but saves your product video? Here's a list of 6 secrets to increase your chances of entering a user's saved folder.

Use irresistible "save this" call-to-action

4 secrets to get your marketing videos bookmarked

Including vocal call to actions are critical to ensuring a viewer takes a desired action. Don't assume that they'll like, comment, or save just because your video is quality; often a nudge like 'you will need this next time you're brainstorming' will suffice . If your video is in fact of a high quality, your request will be acknowledged, just ensure that you include the CTA somewhere near the beginning of the video and somewhere near the end. To secure the early save, make sure that your hook is very enticing, followed by a valuable piece of information. If it's strong enough, your call to save this will be heeded because the viewer will assume the rest of your video will be value packed, too!

Share detailed tutorials that encourage repeat viewings

Teach your audience something with your marketing video - from start to finish. Ensure it's punchy, in-depth, based on principles of retention, and teaches them something of value. If you want to further increase the likelihood of retaining attention, take note of some of these scroll-stopping tips! For example, if you're in the business of AI video editing, produce a video where you go through the entire process, from grabbing a product URL to submitting the ad on Meta.

Creating a substantial video like this caters to those that will benefit from the an immediate viewing, and those that will save the video to return to later, when they need to apply the lessons learned from your marketing video.

Use humor and surprise twists to shock the viewer into saving

Interrupt a viewer's expectations by introducing a surprising twist to your videos. When a viewer is shocked, it disrupts the normal flow of their viewing experience, and anything that can disrupt their passive consumption is likely to result in a favourable action. For example, there are a number of businesses jumping on a trend where someone is playing sports and at the climax, the video transitions into a normal sales pitch. The humor and shocking switch causes viewers to react, and those that take inspiration from the videos will hit save and add the video to their own bank of content ideas - or their content machine.

Create videos value-packed with advice that demand saves

An extremely effective way to encourage saves is to create a simple video with a list of valuable points the viewer should remember. No viewer watching TikTok shorts is going to be able to retain 10-15 points when they've just scrolled through tens if not hundreds of videos, but if it is valuable, they will save. For example, if you're the business of social media marketing, you might record a selfie of yourself in the thinking pose with a list of 10 attention-grabbing hooks appearing on screen. Social media marketers, influencers, and the like will be encouraged to save these hooks for when they inevitably need a source of inspiration for their next marketing video.


Getting a viewer to save your video needs to be top of mind when creating your marketing videos. Whether you demand the save by vocalizing it, make a product video tutorial crammed with value, or leverage trending sounds and pass the trending touch, it's critical that getting the save becomes part of your marketing videos' DNA.

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Test your new product ideas in minutes with AI-generated video ads

Test your new product ideas in minutes with AI-generated video ads