25 powerful call to actions to increase your product video link clicks

25 powerful call to actions to increase your product video link clicks

25 powerful call to actions to increase your product video link clicks

Oct 1, 2024

Read this article for your free AI assistant!

That’s a call to action, albeit a big fat lie.

Call to actions**,** commonly abbreviated to CTA, ****are used by marketers to encourage consumers to take an action the marketer deems valuable, for example, clicking a link or saving an Instagram post.

You might wonder: Why would I need to tell a consumer what to do, isn’t it obvious?

While it may be obvious, it’s besides the point. The point is that consumers are blasted with a barrage of banal advertisements and marketing messages before lunch. In order to attract an act, you need to ask. At least that’s the case for millenniuls and older; Gen Z are revolting against the CTA, believing it’s too salesy.

I mean, they’re right, it is salesy. But we’re all trying to sell something and don’t all have the ability to produce viral content that auto-saves sin-CTA.

So in lieu of viral content, what kind of CTAs can marketers and business owners use to encourage consumers to move through their sales funnels or increase their social media engagement?

Here’s 25 CTAs that you can use

Sales CTAs

  1. BUY NOW! (the most obvious one)

  2. Claim your exclusive discount!

  3. Start your FREE trial!

  4. Click now before your offer expires!

  5. Download X for free!

Lead generation CTAs

  1. Comment ‘TEXT’ undet this video to get a link to a free trial (useful on Instagram with DM automaton bots)

  2. Enter/comment your email for a free content calendar

  3. Join the waiting list by clicking the link in my bio!

  4. Get a custom quote by sharing your email below this video!

  5. Join the Discord!

Social media engagement CTAs

  1. Check out my story for more information! (include a link sticker on the story)

  2. Share with 2 friends that you think will find this useful? (Those friends may click on the desired links, whether on your profile or below the video).

  3. Tag a friend below!

  4. Follow the link in my bio!

  5. The first 50 to engage with the link will be entered into a raffle to win X!

Event CTAs

  1. Follow the link to reserve your spot on the webinar!

  2. Tap on my flashing profile to join my live now!

  3. For early access to sales promotions, e.g., Early Bird tickets, enter your email.

  4. Tap to follow this page and secure your ticket!

  5. Tag a friend under this video to enter the sweepstakes!

Customer experience CTAs

  1. Click the link below to book a free call with an expert

  2. To schedule a free demo, tap the link

  3. Chat with a professional now by clicking the link below this video

  4. If you liked this video, comment ‘MUY BIEN’ below and we’ll keep giving you content like this!

  5. Click the link to email your interest

Tips to introduce CTAs into your product videos

Split test

Perhaps the most important part of discovering effective CTAs is in testing them! The smallest alteration in how you’ve compsoed the CTA, e.g., the acual language, the order of words, the word you’re stressing, etc., can drastically change your engagement metrics and ultimately your bottom line.

What works on one demographic will not necessarily work on another. For example, Gen Z are more resistant to blatant CTAs that brazingly ask for follows, whereas milennials like to be clearly reminded and infer less offence. In that vein, it may be wise to introduce a more subtle and gentle CTA if you’re targeting younger audiences.

Go split test CTAs using Batch Mode.


Your CTA neesd to relate to your business goals and account for where in the funnel these activities are taking place. If you need to generate leads at the top of the funnel, then it is unwise to go for the jugular and ask for the sale.

Similarly, you need to know what platform you’re operating on and using these CTAs. Asking for a sale under an Instagram video is going to be more difficult than doing so in an email or on your website. People on Instagram consume video content by the truckload and anything that potentially distracts them or pulls them from that vice will be met with resitance, so you need to ensure your CTA plays to the tune they’re listening to.


Without CTAs, your target market will probably continue their journey surfing social media. With one, they’ll probably scroll away but they might act. Asking them to commit to an action is critical to getting what you want from your demographic, although you’ll need to be subtle in many cases, as with Gen Z’s cynical nature. Ensure the CTA makes sense; that is, ensure the context is correct in terms of where you are in your sales funnel and where you are on the internet, e.g., are you generating leads on Instagram? Then don’t tell them to click the link to buy now. Probably.

The key to implementing useful CTAs is by split testing them. So go trial Batch Mode here. It’s gonna make your testing vastly easier, expedite your video production process, and save you a tonne of marketing dolla’s. And who doesn;t love innovative AI tools, particularly marketing video makers.

Ready to speed up your marketing?

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Test your new product ideas in minutes with AI-generated video ads

Test your new product ideas in minutes with AI-generated video ads